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**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC

File extension Details of HIN, HIN, PTV, PSLX, HRF, HSC, PSESS, PSCX, PQO

File Type:HyperChem HIN chemical modeller input file
Category:Data file
File Description:File extension is used by HyperChem HIN chemical modeller input file.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  Hypercube, Inc.


HyperChem is a sophisticated molecular modeling environment that is known for its quality, flexibility, and ease of use. Uniting 3D visualization and animation with quantum chemical calculations, molecular mechanics, and dynamics, HyperChem puts more molecular modeling tools at your fingertips than any other Windows program.

Our newest version, HyperChem Release 8.0, is a full 32-bit application, developed for the Windows 95, 98, NT, ME, 2000, XP, and Vista operating systems. HyperChem Release 8.0 incorporates even more powerful computational chemistry tools than ever before, as well as supporting multiple third-party applications. Its drawing and rendering capabilities and ease of use are standards for the industry.

File Type:HyperChem HIN chemical modeller output file
Category:Data file
File Description:File extension is used by HyperChem HIN chemical modeller output file.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  Hypercube, Inc.


HyperChem is a sophisticated molecular modeling environment that is known for its quality, flexibility, and ease of use. Uniting 3D visualization and animation with quantum chemical calculations, molecular mechanics, and dynamics, HyperChem puts more molecular modeling tools at your fingertips than any other Windows program.

Our newest version, HyperChem Release 8.0, is a full 32-bit application, developed for the Windows 95, 98, NT, ME, 2000, XP, and Vista operating systems. HyperChem Release 8.0 incorporates even more powerful computational chemistry tools than ever before, as well as supporting multiple third-party applications. Its drawing and rendering capabilities and ease of use are standards for the industry.

File Type:MemoriesOnTV photo slide show project
Category:Data file
File Description:File extension is used by MemoriesOnTV. Photo slide show project.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:


MemoriesOnTV is our award-winning photo/video slideshow software. This feature-packed program comes with beautiful and elegant pre-built effects that you can used. In addition, the powerful and advanced features and tools allow you to craft your slideshows anyway you want. Let your creativity flow with MemoriesOnTV!

File Type:PSCAD Power System Simulation software XML Library file
Category:Data file
File Description:File extension used by PSCAD Power System Simulation software.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  Manitoba HVDC Research Centre Inc.


PSCAD® is a fast, accurate, and easy-to-use power system simulation software for the design and verification of all types of power systems. PSCAD® is also known as PSCAD®/EMTDC™ because EMTDC™ is the simulation engine, which is now the integral part of PSCAD® graphical user interface. PSCAD® is most suitable for simulating time domain instantaneous responses, also known as electromagnetic transients or instantaneous solutions, in both electrical and control systems.

The PSCAD® graphical user interface greatly enhances the power and usability of the simulation environment. It allows the user to efficiently construct a circuit schematic, run a simulation, analyze the results, and manage the data in a completely integrated graphical environment. PSCAD® provides intuitive and interactive control input, meters, and online plotting functions and graphs.

PSCAD® has been adopted worldwide by utilities, manufacturers, research & educational institutions, and consultants as the premier tool for transient simulation. These people rely on the extensive library of power and control system models, as well as, the accuracy and reliability PSCAD® provides.

File Type:HyperRipper file
Category:Data file
File Description:Used by Dragon UnPACKer, contains game patterns.
Open Programs:

Dragon UnPACKer

Company / developer:
  Alexandre Devilliers

Dragon UnPACKer is a game archive (Quake PAK, etc..) unpacking tool. It is plugin based making easier to add new archive file formats.

Dragon UnPACKer has a convert ability and raw search function for known material (audio, video and pictures).

Dragon UnPACKer gives you the possibility to see into the big files in games like Quake, Unreal ...etc and extract files to anywhere you want easily.

Dragon UnPACKer can also convert some formats to more common formats.

File Type:Aspen HYSYS simulation file
Category:Data file
File Description:File extension used by Aspen HYSYS.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  Aspen Technology, Inc.

Aspen HYSYS is a market-leading process modeling tool for conceptual design, optimization, business planning, asset management, and performance monitoring for oil & gas production, gas processing, petroleum refining, and air separation industries. Aspen HYSYS is a core element of AspenTech’s aspenONE™ Process Engineering applications.

File Type:Microsoft Visual Studio performance session file
Category:Data file
File Description:File extension is used by Microsoft Visual Studio. Performance session file.
Open Programs:

Microsoft Visual Studio

Company / developer:
  Microsoft Corporation

New tools tailored to help you take on your software development challenges.

Visual Studio provides a range of tools that offer many benefits for individual developers and software development teams:

  • Be more productive and obtain faster results
  • Build dynamic Windows, Web, mobile, and Office-based solutions
  • Communicate and collaborate more effectively within your software teams
  • Ensure quality early and often throughout the development process
File Type:PSCAD Power System Simulation software XML case file
Category:Data file
File Description:XML case file used by PSCAD®.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  Manitoba HVDC Research Centre Inc.


PSCAD® is a fast, accurate, and easy-to-use power system simulation software for the design and verification of all types of power systems. PSCAD® is also known as PSCAD®/EMTDC™ because EMTDC™ is the simulation engine, which is now the integral part of PSCAD® graphical user interface. PSCAD® is most suitable for simulating time domain instantaneous responses, also known as electromagnetic transients or instantaneous solutions, in both electrical and control systems.

The PSCAD® graphical user interface greatly enhances the power and usability of the simulation environment. It allows the user to efficiently construct a circuit schematic, run a simulation, analyze the results, and manage the data in a completely integrated graphical environment. PSCAD® provides intuitive and interactive control input, meters, and online plotting functions and graphs.

PSCAD® has been adopted worldwide by utilities, manufacturers, research & educational institutions, and consultants as the premier tool for transient simulation. These people rely on the extensive library of power and control system models, as well as, the accuracy and reliability PSCAD® provides.

File Type:PhreeqcI file
Category:Data file
File Description:File extension is used by PhreeqcI.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:

A Computer Program for Speciation, Batch-Reaction, One-Dimensional Transport, and Inverse Geochemical Calculations.

File Type:Payroll company information file
Category:Data file
File Description:File extension is used by Payroll software.
Open Programs:

CheckMark Payroll

Company / developer:
  CheckMark Software Inc.

Are you the only one you know who dreads pay day? Help is on the way! From 401(k)s to vacation accruals, CheckMark Payroll keeps you on track and stress-free no matter what type of business you run. Use it as a stand-alone program, or post to just about any accounting software on the market, including CheckMark's own MultiLedger.

Download Now: Windows Error Repair Tool

**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC